I want to manage sensors and actuators connected to Arduino Uno, through a simple smartphone application, using a Bluetooth module, which uses short-range radio waves to put two neighboring devices are communicating. A hand for programming mobile apps is given to us by App Inventor, a development environment with a graphical interface, simple and intuitive for those who already know the world of coding programming. To practice with App Inventor and Arduino programming, I refer you to the respective websites and reference guides.

Exercise 1
Basic application that allows you to turn on LED 13 on the Arduino board from your mobile phone.

bluetooth hc 05 arduino bb  cellulare esercizio1 LED 

Remember that before connecting to Arduino with Bluetooth, using the app you just created with App Inventor, you must pair the Bluetooth of your mobile phone with the HC-05 board. To do this, first go to your mobile phone settings and find your HC-05 card in the list of detected devices, then pair it with password 1234.
Here the material to develop the application: PDF step by step , Arduino sketch, App Inventor AIA.

Exercise 2
Here I briefly show you an application that allows you to turn on LED 13 on the Arduino board from your mobile phone and at the same time receive a byte (an integer between 0 and 255) acquired by an Arduino analog pin on your smartphone. The analog inputs of Arduino are 10 bits (between 0 and 1024) but it is possible to compress the acquisition on 8 bits in order to divide the acquired value by 4.

 cellulare esercizio2 LED potenziometro schema  cellulare esercizio2 LED potenziometro

In this Arduino sketch I use SoftwareSerial library that allow serial communication on other digital pins of the Arduino, rather than pins 0 and 1 (which also go to the computer via the USB connection).
Here the material to develop the application: PDF step by step , Arduino sketch, App Inventor AIA.

Exercise 3
Like Exercise 2, with the only difference that now the mobile phone receives an integer between 0 and 1023 acquired from an Arduino analog pin. Now the app on your smartphone not only reads one byte at a time sent to it by Arduino, but all the bytes that are sent to it.
Here the material to develop the application: PDF step by step , Arduino sketch, App Inventor AIA.